Open Access eBooks

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  5. – is a division of Vibar Publishing house Inc. It aims to preserve the Philippines rich heritage and build a knowledge community among Filipinos by digitizing and publishing significant resources on Philippine studies.
  6. Free – provides list of books available in electronic form for free online.
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  11. Internet Archive - The Internet Archive is a non-profit organization that was founded to build an Internet library. The Internet Archive is working to prevent the Internet - a new medium with major historical significance - and other "born-digital" materials from disappearing into the past.
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  14. National Academies Press – read more than 3,000 books online for free. Covers subjects on Engineering & Technology, Health & Medicine, Earth Sciences, Environmental Studies, Energy conservation, Food & Nutrition etc.
  15. Online Book page – features over 10000 online free books on the net.
  16. Planet Publish – provides 60+ free e-books in PDF format, mostly literature/classics.
  17. Project Gutenberg – the first and oldest producer of free electronic books. This site offers 20,000 free e-books.
  18. Project Gutenburg of the Philippines (PGPH) – aims to make as many books available to as many people as possible, with a special focus on the Philippines and Philippine languages.
  19. Tech Books – technology books free for download. Mostly subjects on science & technology.
  20. World Public Library – The WPLD Collection shelves more than 2,000,000 + PDF e-books in 100+ languages containing 125 of the finest eBooks and eDocument published on the Internet today.
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