MHSS Library
Explore, Discuss, Create @ Your Library

We live in an information rich age where technology and the Internet have radically altered the mission of the modern day library. Library collections address the curricular needs and broader interests of MHSS students, developing in them the critical skills necessary for success at MHSS and beyond. Whether we are dealing with traditional print publications, Internet research tools and resources, social media, or audio-visual media, the library is a critical player in bringing to MHSS students understandings of the roles all information resources play in their learning experiences. The library supports an information rich experience for MHSS students who use these resources to create new learning and meaning.

At the MHSS library, information literacy skills-the ability to locate, evaluate and use information critically-are integrated across the library workshops and are taught in collaboration with research assignments in the various disciplines. A dedicated information literacy course in the seventh grade introduces students to essential research skills. Teachers and librarians work together to develop meaningful library research experiences for the students through classroom visits, research presentations, bibliographic instruction and independent student follow-up. The MHSS Library collections consist of approximately 2,786 circulating and reference volumes, thousands of reference ebooks, digital and print periodical resources, a number of streaming video resources, DVD video and music recordings and digital reference resources available 24/7/365, and the MHSS School Archives. The library catalog is organized using the Library of Congress Classification system and is available through the library web-page. The library web page is the portal to the many subscription databases provided to the MHSS community, with usernames/passwords providing remote access availability. See a staff member for this information.

The MHSS Library provides a safe, nurturing environment where students seek information and ideas for educational, informational, and recreational needs. The library promotes an appreciation of reading enabling students to interpret various forms of literature as they grow as lifelong learners and consumers of information and ideas. Information literacy skills, critical tools for every learner, form a foundation for the exploration the world of ideas. The library program contributes in an essential way to the development of the knowledge and skills so important to academic success. The school library program enriches the educational process to help students reach their full potential.


The MHSS Library supports the mission of The MHSS by providing library and information services to our diverse community of students and faculty. The library is a student centered learning environment that promotes inquiry and understanding of the world, its peoples, its cultures, its possibilities. The library is the place where essential questions and enduring understandings of human knowledge are explored, questioned, and discussed.