Open Access Resources

The Internet has changed the dynamic of how we work and how we gather information considerably. While emerging technologies have brought with them complications of misuse and distraction, creative users of the Internet are actively engaged in opening resources to all users to make information and scholarship possible to anyone at any time. There are many examples of efforts to create technology rich environments that access software and database resources without the expense of purchase or license. Some of these initiatives are productivity tools, like Moodle and Open Office. Some have a scholarly goal, like Project Gutenberg, BioMed Central, Public Library of Science. Some have educational goals, like Khan Academy. All of these kinds of initiatives have the common goal to promote open use of resources to further the advancement of knowledge.

  • Creative Commons - Use Creative Commons to find resources you can use safely! You can also license your own creative work here to allow others to build upon your work.
  • Connexions - "Connexions is a dynamic digital educational ecosystem consisting of an educational content repository and a content management system optimized for the delivery of educational content." (Connexions Web Site)
  • Khan Academy - Use Khan Academy to locate video resources. Especially strong in math and science, Khan's content continues to grow across the curriculum in the humanities as well.
  • Project Gutenberg - The first free open access e-book resource, Project Gutenberg contains more than 40,000 e-books that are downloadable to your computer or e-book reader.
  • Public Library of Science - This is a database of open-access science journals to promote and further scientific and medical research by sharing information freely in this environment.
  • BioMed Central - "BioMed Central is an STM (Science, Technology and Medicine) publisher of 220 open access, online, peer-reviewed journals. The portfolio of journals spans all areas of biology and medicine..." (BioMed Central Web Site)
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